Sunday December 3, 2023 Worship Service (Facebook video) link is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Isaiah 40:1-11; Mark 1:1-8; II Peter 3:8-15a *OPENING HYMN “Comfort My People” [Tune 268] *HYMN “On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry” GtG 96…
Sunday November 26, 2023 Worship Service (Facebook video) link is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Isaiah 64:1-9; Mark 13:24-37; I Corinthians 1:3-9 OPENING HYMN “People, Look East” GtG 105 (Verses 1, 2, 4, & 5) HYMN “The Days…
Sunday November 19, 2023 Worship Service (Facebook video) link is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Psalm 65; Joel 2:23-29, 32; Luke 18:9-14. OPENING HYMN “Now Thank We All Our God” GtG 643 HYMN “For the Fruit of All…
Sunday November 12, 2023 Worship Service (Facebook video) link is above (not available) and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Matthew 25:14-30 *OPENING HYMN “We Praise You, O God” GtG 612 *HYMN “God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending” GtG 716 *CLOSING…
Sunday November 5, 2023 Worship Service (Facebook video) link is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Joshua 3:7-17 *OPENING HYMN “Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart!” GtG 804 *HYMN “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” GtG 65 *CLOSING HYMN “I…
Sunday October 29, 2023 Worship Service (Facebook video) link is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Exodus 33:12-23 *OPENING HYMN “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” GtG 12 *HYMN “O God, in a Mysterious Way” GtG 30 *CLOSING HYMN “God of…
Sunday October 22, 2023 Worship Service (Facebook video) link is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Exodus 32:1-14 *OPENING HYMN “Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven” GtG 619 (Verses 1-3) *HYMN “Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound” GtG…
Sunday October 1, 2023 Worship Service (Facebook video) link is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Psalm 19 ;Romans 14:1-6 *OPENING HYMN “Creator of Mountains” StF 2061 (Verses 1-3 & 5) *HYMN “Help Us Accept Each Other” GtG 754…
Sunday September 24, 2023 Worship Service (Facebook video) link is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Exodus 16:2-15; 17:1-7 *OPENING HYMN “For the Beauty of the Earth” GtG 14 *HYMN “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” GtG 65 *CLOSING…
Sunday September 17, 2023 Worship Service (Facebook video) link is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Exodus 3:1-12 *OPENING HYMN “God Is Here!” GtG 409 (Verses 1, 2, & 4) *HYMN “Christ of the Upward Way” *CLOSING HYMN “Jesus,…