Sunday September 13, 2020 Service. Sermon “Burning, But Not Burned Up’ is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Exodus 2:23-3:15 “The God of Abraham Praise” GtG 49 (Verses 1, 2, & 4) CLOSING HYMN “May the God…
Sunday September 6, 2020 Service. Sermon “How Will We Answer the Shouts…and Cries?” is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Exodus 1:8-2:10 OPENING HYMN “Lead On, O King Eternal!” GtG 269 CLOSING HYMN “O God of…
Sunday August 30, 2020 Service. Sermon “In the Darkness Offstage” is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Genesis 45:1-15
Sunday August 16, 2020 Service. Sermon “Out of Bounds?” is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Matthew 15:21-28 OPENING HYMN “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” GtG 435 …
Sunday August 9, 2020 Service. Sermon “Rasslin’ Match” is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Genesis 32:22-31 OPENING HYMN “Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven” GtG 619 CLOSING HYMN…
Sunday August 2, 2020 Service. Sermon “How to give ….and Abundantly” is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: MATTHEW 14:13-21 (New Revised Standard Version) OPENING HYMN “O Lord My God” GtG…
Sunday July 26, 2020 Service. Sermon “The Kingdom Is Like…” is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-50 (New Revised Standard Version) OPENING HYMN “This Is My Father’s World” …
Sunday July 19, 2020 Service. Sermon “Grazing the Rung of Jacob’s Ladder” is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: GENESIS 28:10-19 (New Revised Standard Version) OPENING HYMN “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” …
Sunday July 12, 2020 Service. Sermon is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Genesis 25:19-34 OPENING HYMN “All Creatures of Our God and King” GtG 15 (Verses 1-4 & 6…
Sunday July 5, 2020 Service. Sermon ” Against the Grain” is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: MATTHEW 11:16-19,25-30 (New Revised Standard Version +). OPENING HYMN “Immortal, Invisible, God Only…