Sunday May 16, 2021 Worship Service is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Acts 1:4-17, 20-26 OPENING HYMN “Crown Him with Many Crowns” GtG 268 CLOSING HYMN “Open My Eyes,…
Sunday May 9, 2021 Worship Service is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture readings are: I Samuel 10:6-11; Acts 10:34-48 OPENING HYMN “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” GtG 366 [Tune 761] CLOSING…
Sunday May 2, 2021 Worship Service is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: John 15:1-8 OPENING HYMN “At the Font We Start Our Journey” SF 2114 CLOSING HYMN “Jesus, Thou…
Sunday April 25, 2021 Worship Service is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: OPENING HYMN “Great God, Your Love Has Called Us Here” ( PH) #353. Music #703 GtG, 5 verses.…
Sunday April 18, 2021 Worship Service is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: I John 1:1-2:2 OPENING HYMN “Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands” GtG 237 UNISON PRAYER OF…
Sunday April 11, 2021 Worship Service is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture readings are: Deuteronomy 34:1-6; John 20:24-31 OPENING HYMN “The Day of Resurrection!” GtG 233 CLOSING HYMN “O Love That…
Easter Sunday April 4, 2021 Worship Service is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: Mark 16:1-8 OPENING HYMN “Thine Is the Glory” GtG 238 CLOSING HYMN “Because You Live, O…
Palm Sunday March 28, 2021 Worship Service is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture readings are: Psalm 118:19-29; Mark 11:1-10 OPENING HYMN “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” GtG 197 CLOSING HYMN “So Let…
Sunday March 21, 2021 Worship Service is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture reading is: John 12:20-33 OPENING HYMN “Now the Green Blade Rises” GtG 247 CLOSING HYMN “How Clear Is Our…
Sunday March 14, 2021 Worship Service is above and the documents can be printed from the PDF link above. Also available below are the links to the hymns that are listed in the worship material. Scripture readings are: Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14-21 OPENING HYMN “Lift High the Cross” GtG 826 CLOSING HYMN “O Sacred Head,…